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December 2, 2019
Peer-to-peer (P2P) lending has been growing rapidly in Vietnam, along with the development of financial technology ...
December 2, 2019
The Cayman Islands has often been referred to pejoratively as a “secrecy jurisdiction”. The two main supports for the secrecy allegation were on the one hand the existence of “secrecy” legislation, The Confidential Relationship Preservation Law (CRPL) dating back to the 1970s ...
December 2, 2019
As of September 2019, there were 47,799 foreign investors registered with the Korea Financial Supervisory Service, including 36,190 institutional investors ...
October 23, 2019
The PSA was passed at the start of this year and will come into full effect at the end of this year.
September 25, 2019
VIDEO BRIEFING: The government has taken numerous steps to give an impetus to foreign investment, but a lot remains to be done.
September 18, 2019
Some significant improvements regarding capital transactions and M&A pertaining to foreign-invested enterprises in Vietnam ...
August 21, 2019
The advent of AML and ATF guidance is a welcome step for businesses in the UAE.
August 2, 2019
While some of the reactions to the Cayman Islands’ introduction of The International Tax Co-operation (Economic Substance) Law, 2018 (Substance Law) have been less than positive, the reality is that the Substance Law is a set of rules that fairly elegantly address OECD requirements for geographically mobile activities to have economic substance ...
August 2, 2019
Promoting “indigenisation” in the Nigerian economy was the subject of a recent Lex Africa seminar, which asked how foreign investors were forging partnerships with local players, using local content and local manufacturing capacity and transferring valuable work skills ...
June 26, 2019
For several decades, money laundering has extended the reach of transnational organised crime throughout various nations ...
June 26, 2019
Ever since the introduction of bitcoin more than a decade ago, we have seen the expansion of the cryptocurrency ecosystem, with over 2,000 cryptocurrencies in existence today and growing daily ...
June 26, 2019
Growing awareness of litigation funding is making it easier for businesses to pursue disputes ...
June 26, 2019
In line with the national push for a more structured approach to increasing local content and participation, the Regulations came into force on December 22, 2017 ...
June 19, 2019
Plus updates on importing used machinery, amendments to the labour code and the law on public investment, and more.
June 5, 2019
Important considerations for payment service providers operating in Asia Pacific.