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September 2, 2020
By Charlotte Chen, and Xavier LeSourne of Elvinger Hoss Prussen.
September 2, 2020
August 5, 2020
As the global travel industry continues to grapple with the effects of COVID-19, many companies are now beginning to seek protections under various insolvency regimes ...
July 29, 2020
Given current financial conditions in the equity markets, opportunities for privatisations abound and schemes of arrangement are all the rage again.
July 27, 2020
It is hoped that DNDF transactions in the market will provide confidence to business actors regarding owning assets in rupiah.
July 27, 2020
The current economic situation in Vietnam has revealed various disadvantages and loopholes in the legal framework, especially under the backbone law on investment.
May 13, 2020
There are now more options available to a party to a dispute to help reduce the risk of adverse costs.
May 5, 2020
Making investments or entering into an M&A deal can involve uncertainties and potential pitfalls. These can include financial and commercial issues, clashing business cultures, sudden changes in government regulation, poor strategic fit or simply bad timing, to name a few ...
May 5, 2020
The pandemic will undoubtedly cause lasting economic and societal changes that will affect the way that deals are conducted.
May 5, 2020
With the worsening coronavirus outbreak, President Rodrigo Duterte has shifted gears ...
May 5, 2020
Companies worldwide are, or will inevitably be, affected in the short and medium-term by the coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19). Decline in commodity prices due to the falling demand in China, travel restrictions ...
April 16, 2020
Virtual currency exchanges once again have access to the banking system, but more clarity is still needed.
April 14, 2020
Part 1: Challenges, opportunities and realities for the COVID-19 pandemic response ...
April 6, 2020
What the bill has to offer ...
April 6, 2020
All Cayman entities which fall within the definition of “private fund” in the Private Funds Law, 2020 and which are carrying on business on or after February 7, 2020 have until August 7, 2020 ...