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October 22, 2015
The Budget 2015 contains several significant proposals to amend the Income Tax Act while also providing updates on previously announced tax measures and polices. Here are some highlights.
October 9, 2015
The most common option for an overseas company as a foreign investor to establish a presence in Indonesia is by setting up a limited liability company (Perseroan Terbatas or PT) with foreign ownership ...
October 9, 2015
One of the notable points of the new law on enterprises, dated November 26, 2014 (Law on Enterprise 2014), is the relaxation of restrictions on the founding shareholders’ ordinary shares during the ...
October 8, 2015
The Chinese government revised existing rules to attract more foreign investments in real estate.
September 16, 2015
Insights into the new Commercial Companies Law and relevant corporate updates which can help companies conduct business in the UAE, particularly in Dubai
September 1, 2015
Multinational enterprises (MNEs) that operate or contemplate operating multinational businesses in Korea need to be aware of recent changes in the Adjustment of International Taxes Act of Korea ...
August 17, 2015
We highlight the changes which the new UAE Commercial Companies Law (Federal Law No.2 of 2015) introduces.
July 21, 2015
Sitting in a coffee shop in downtown Sydney on a recent trip to Australia, a look around at the diversity of faces discussing business, the price of coffee (and last weekend’s ‘footie’), it was clear that Australians of Asian descent are very much part of the fabric of the country. But whilst Asia has come to Australia, is Australia investing in Asia, and are Australian businesses taking full advantage of their geographical proximity to either the region’s mature or fast-emerging markets?
July 21, 2015
As well as laying out the ASEAN Economic Community’s goals, Azman Jaafar of RHTLaw Taylor Wessing notes why he expects to see major improvements to the entire ASEAN region, not just to the richer jurisdictions, but to all 10 involved. He points out ASEAN’s strengths, such as its diversity, and notes the many factors that could make the AEC dominant. As he states, “The myriad of opportunities that will present themselves in the region is endless”.
June 19, 2015
In furtherance of Indonesia’s commitment to welcome the implementation of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) in 2015, ...
June 18, 2015
On February 14, 2015, the government of Vietnam enacted Decree No. 15/2015/ND-CP (Decree 15) regulating the investment in the ...
June 8, 2015
This issue discusses the new decree governing notary offices in Vietnam and the new Ministry of Finance circular detailing the payment forms for enterprises in the country. Moreover, it gives some tips on legal networking in Southeast Asia.
May 18, 2015
The issue of the new commercial companies law (Federal Law No. 2 of 2015) (the Law) was announced by the UAE …
May 18, 2015
On November 26, 2014, the Vietnamese National Assembly passed a new law on investment (LOI). The LOI appears to make …
May 14, 2015
When investing in a company by subscribing to new shares, the investor can pay the subscription price in cash or in kind. Contributions …