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October 22, 2015
The TPP will impact goods access and other aspects of Canadian businesses.
October 9, 2015
Issuance of a cease and desist letter is usually recognised as the first step to be taken by a patentee against an alleged infringer in a patent infringement dispute in Korea. A warning letter to an alleged infringer ...
October 7, 2015
If ratified, key intellectual property provisions in the Canada-EU trade pact will provide additional protection for innovative pharmaceutical products.
September 1, 2015
The Controller of Patents (India) recently revoked the patent granted for the anti-retroviral drug ‘Valganciclovir’ used for treating active cytomegalovirus retinitis infection (CMV) ...
August 17, 2015
The draft Cyber Security Law aims to strengthen supervision over cyber security. The proposed measures will influence not only network operators directly but also users and all public sectors.
July 21, 2015
Sitting in a coffee shop in downtown Sydney on a recent trip to Australia, a look around at the diversity of faces discussing business, the price of coffee (and last weekend’s ‘footie’), it was clear that Australians of Asian descent are very much part of the fabric of the country. But whilst Asia has come to Australia, is Australia investing in Asia, and are Australian businesses taking full advantage of their geographical proximity to either the region’s mature or fast-emerging markets?
July 21, 2015
Educational establishments work hard to build reputations as trusted and leading education providers within local communities and globally. Investing in trademark protection can ensure that exclusive ...
June 10, 2015
Bill C-31, which was given royal assent on June 19, 2014, will eliminate the requirement that a trademark be used in order to be registered in Canada.
June 10, 2015
Many companies will consider the availability of and merits of seeking patent and/or trade-mark registration. However, one form of IP protection that is often overlooked is an industrial design registration.
June 1, 2015
Insights into the proposed New Land Bill, recent Supreme Court judgment on the principle of the arbitration agreement, proposed enhancement of the pecuniary jurisdiction of the District Courts of Delhi and other legal updates
April 9, 2015
The Indian trademarks law recognises both statutory as well as common law remedy to protect the rights of the proprietor of a trade mark. However, it is well-known that …
April 9, 2015
There has been a significant increase in the number of cases related to the issue of whether the exercise of intellectual property rights violated the Fair Trade Act. These cases have …
April 8, 2015
As the risk of a data breach has rapidly increased with constantly changing technology, businesses have to address the issue now.
February 18, 2015
Section 33 of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (PDPO) prohibits the transfer of personal data to places outside Hong Kong, except in circumstances specified in the PDPO.
February 10, 2015
On December 17, 2014, the Korea Fair Trade Commission (KFTC) amended the review guidelines on unfair exercise of intellectual property rights (Revised Guidelines), effective December 24, 2014. …