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October 24, 2013
On September 13th, 2013, the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) issued MEMR Regulation No. 27 of 2013 regarding …
October 8, 2013
Following the implementation of the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) by the United States government in 2010, financial institutions around the world will be obliged to disclose any US citizen account holders’ names, addresses…
September 17, 2013
This month’s Tanzania update is a fact sheet recapping on the types of security available for different asset classes when taking security over corporate borrowers, with a more detailed focus on debentures and mortgages.
July 29, 2013
Bank Indonesia, the central bank, has issued a flurry of recent regulations aimed at strengthening the country’s banking system and …
July 10, 2013
As part of its groundbreaking restructuring, Indonesian shipping company PT Arpeni Pratama Ocean Line Tbk in early 2012 completed …
July 10, 2013
The QFC Regulatory Authority (QFCRA) is the independent regulatory body of the Qatar Financial Centre (QFC) with wide powers to supervise …
July 8, 2013
The following is taken from a special paper produced for the In-House Community by Dr Justine Walker, Director Financial Crime (Sanctions and Bribery) at the British Bankers’ Association, which was presented to delegates at the recent Hong Kong Outbound Risk & Corruption Symposium, which took place on May 30th, 2013
July 8, 2013
In a recent landmark ruling, the UK Supreme Court deliberated on the question of whether an overseas defendant had to have submitted to the jurisdiction under common law before a foreign bankruptcy order would be recognised and enforced in England. Richard Keady and Jay Qin of Bird & Bird consider the practical implications of the decision and the significance it may have on practitioners going forward.
July 8, 2013
David Livdahl, Jenny Sheng and Chunbin Xu of Paul Hastings take us through the old requirements imposed on qualified foreign institutional investors (QFII’s) and enlighten us as to how the new measures will have the effect of relaxing protocols for foreign investors.
July 8, 2013
David Smyth and David Luk of Smyth & Co (in association with Reynolds Porter Chamberlain LLP), review Hong Kong’s new Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme and highlight some pertinent issues that may arise for prospective claimants, financial institutions and their in-house lawyers.
July 8, 2013
Complying with global anti-corruption legislation.

July 8, 2013
How are banks in the Gulf dealing with large-scale financial defaults? By Yaser Dajani, Associate Managing Director, Kroll Advisory Solutions
July 8, 2013
While conventional financial transactions in the West are in turmoil, there is a refreshing burst of optimism in the world of Islamic finance, according to Arti Sangar, partner in charge of Diaz Reus & Targ’s Dubai office. She takes a look at the challenges in an evolving sector.
July 8, 2013
Where shares in a BVI business company are held by an individual, problems can arise on the death of that person. Failure to put succession planning in place could be costly, explains Raymond Davern of Conyers Dill & Pearman.
July 8, 2013
Investing in Mongolia: Opportunities and risks