July 1, 2024
Mark Benjamin C. Yam Rachelle Ann L. Go On 10 March 2024, the Bureau of Immigration (“BI”) reported that approximately 153,000 foreign national (“FN”) holders of immigrant and non-immigrant visas took part during the 2024 Annual Report requirement of the BI. This is 13% higher than the 136,065 FNs who participated in the previous year’s Annual Report.1 Of note is the fact that a large percentage of the FNs who have been granted non-immigrant visas are those who have been granted the Pre-arranged Employment Visas (i.e., 9[g]). In its Accomplishment Report for the year 2023, the BI reported that the Board of Commissioners (“BOC”) had approved 72,472 9(g) Commercial Visas in 2023 and 59,885 visas in 2022 and 3,454 9(g) Missionary Visas in 2022 and 3,980 visas in 2023.2 The foregoing figures show that there is an increase in the number of FNs who have expressed their intention to work in the Philippines on a long-term basis (i.e., at least one [1] year). While there are other non-immigrant visas that a FN may apply for to work in the Philippines, this article will focus on the steps and requirements to secure a 9(g) Commercial Visa. It is important to also point out that Philippine law requires that a foreign national working in the Philippines should secure work authorization, whether in the form of a 9(g) Commercial Visa, or a temporary work permit. Background on the 9(g) Visa Section 9(g) and Section 10 of the Commonwealth Act No. 613, as amended, or the “Philippine Immigration Act of 1940” provides that FNs who intend work in the Philippines under prearranged employment may...