Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas & Co has added Alina Arora as a partner, with effect from May 4, 2020. A multi-faceted lawyer, Arora comes with over 22 years of rich experience spanning a variety of practices, including white collar crime and investigations, insurance, defence, M&A and compliance. She is enrolled at the bar at Delhi and holds a Masters in Law from the University of Warwick.
Yulchon has added YongSang Kim as co-head of the international dispute resolution team from O’Melveny & Myers Seoul office, where he had been a co-representative from 2016. Kim is best known for his representation of the Republic of Korea on its first treaty-based investor-state dispute before the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes. His broad experience includes several large US litigation cases and matters involving antitrust, anti-corruption, international arbitration and white-collar criminal defense. He handled multiple international arbitration and litigation matters, representing Korea’s Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) and obtained the first overseas litigation victory in DAPA’s history. Kim earned his JD, cum laude, from Cornell Law School, his master’s degree from Yale University Divinity School, and his BA from Yonsei University in Seoul. He practiced for ten years in Washington DC at Arnold & Porter, as well as O’Melveny & Myers. He then moved to Seoul in 2016, and served as the co-representative of O’Melveny’s Seoul office until last month.