Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas has appointed Anshuman Sakle as competition law partner at its Mumbai office. Sakle specializes in competition law and has advised on issues related to market practice and market structures, as well as on compliance aspects related to enforcement provisions of the Competition Act 2002. Further, Sakle has been involved in drafting and filing of leniency applications with the Competition Commission of India (CCI). He has also advised clients across various sectors on applicability of Indian merger control on transactions and filed numerous pre-merger notifications with the CCI. Earlier this year, Sakle was a resource person (for merger control) with the Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs and has previously been seconded to Ireland-based law firm A&L Goodbody as part of its European Union/Competition Law and Intellectual Property teams. He has written numerous articles published in various legal and business media. Prior to joining the firm, he was a principal associate at Khaitan & Co Mumbai. Sakle obtained his BA LLB (Hons) degree from Symbiosis Law School, Pune in 2009 and the same year was admitted to the Bar Council of Maharashtra & Goa.
Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas has also appointed Asim Abbas as partner to head its Technology, Media & Telecommunication (TMT) Practice at its New Delhi office. Abbas has over 22 years of diverse experience in the telecom sector, including as policy maker at the Department of Telecommunication (DoT), Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, Government of India. He was selected in the Indian Civil Services 1991 and, as a civil servant, was Director (Tariff & Costing) with the DoT. His role and responsibility included fixing tariff of telecom services, fixing interconnection charges and deciding total accounting rates with foreign carriers. Abbas was involved in important policy formulation like the terms and conditions of various license agreements, interconnection agreements, etc and interaction with the Telecom Regulator on important policy matters. He also worked as Vice-President (Legal) at leading telecom operator Bharti Airtel Ltd where he headed the divisions providing broadband, fixed telephony, long distance telephony, infrastructure provider, VSAT and IPTV services. He handled regulatory and other litigations of Bharti Airtel in Telecom Dispute Settlement Appellate Tribunal, Supreme Court and other forums. He has negotiated agreements with major international telecom operators, telecom manufacturers and big corporate customers. Abbas graduated from St Stephen’s College, Delhi and completed his LLB from the Delhi University in 1990. |
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