Cyril Amarchand Mangaldas has added Aarushi Jain as a partner in its Technology-Media-Telecom (TMT) practice, as head of media-education-gaming. She will be based in Mumbai. Jain has over 14 years of experience in advising media, technology, education, gaming and new tech clients, both domestic and international, on legal, regulatory and commercial issues. She focuses on helping clients on strategic legal issues, navigate cross border issues, renders legal and regulatory advice for business continuity and new-business launch, helps with documentation, negotiations, deal-making, legal risk analysis, pre-litigation, policy and new-evolving legal nuances. She also has expertise in IP advisory, IP and Tech structuring, acquisitions, collaborations and joint ventures, data privacy, cybersecurity and emerging tech-related legal issues. Jain is a graduate from ILS Law College, Pune in 2009.
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