Welcome to the pre-event Delegate Resources Hub for the thirteenth annual Japan In-House Community Symposium Tokyo.

Date: 29 November 2017 (Wednesday)
Location: Hyatt Regency Tokyo

Please find links to:

Event Day Plan Location Map
japan day plan 2017


hyatt regency tokyo map

Co-hosts and Sponsors Speakers


Luthra Logo


  • Mohit Saraf, Senior Partner シニアパートナー, Luthra & Luthra Law Offices


  • Grady E. Loy, General Counsel, Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Company, Inc. 総務グループ主席 三菱ガス化学株式会社 グレイディ・E・ロイ

Please note, we can only include here the materials made available to us by the co-hosting firms.

If you would like to have a copy of any of the presentations, you must attend the event. Please ask the presenting firms or speakers directly at the Congress. Please note and respect that not all presenters wish to make their presentations available in hard-copy form.

If you would like a personal introduction to any of the above, or you have any further enquiries, please contact us via congress@inhousecommunity.com. We look forward to meeting you at the event.