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November 19, 2020
Often quoted in cases involving searches and seizures is the principle that “a man’s home is his castle” ...
October 27, 2020
On August 15, 2020, Philippines’ President Rodrigo Duterte approved the recommendation of Department of Education Secretary Leonor Briones to defer the opening of classes from August 24, 2020 to October 5, 2020 in view of the Covid-19 pandemic ...
September 9, 2020
In light of the implementation of various community quarantine measures brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic in the Philippines, many business establishments were either prevented from operating or permitted with limited operational capacity ...
July 27, 2020
Rights-holders must always be vigilant, exercise caution and, most of all, read and question the fine prints.
June 16, 2020
While the coronavirus disease (Covid-19) knows no nationality or race, most countries have taken the approach, among others, of closing their respective borders to prevent it from spreading ...
May 5, 2020
With the worsening coronavirus outbreak, President Rodrigo Duterte has shifted gears ...
April 6, 2020
While Covid-19 is primarily a health issue, it cannot be denied that it has multi-faceted effects ...
March 10, 2020
On January 12, 2020, the Taal volcano in the Philippines began erupting, causing numerous cities to experience ash fall and necessitating the evacuation of families living nearby ...
February 4, 2020
The Philippines enticed into investors into its special economic zones with tax incentives, such as income tax holidays (ITH) or 5 percent gross income taxation (GIT), VAT zero-rated purchases and duty-free importations ...
December 2, 2019
In a world where cross-border transactions are commonplace, disputes inevitably arise. Thus, the recognition and enforcement of foreign court decisions is a key issue ...
October 30, 2019
The Revised Corporation Code introduced amendments to the otherwise outdated Corporation Code.
September 18, 2019
It is highly illegal to gamble in China save for a few state-run lotteries. To avoid this prohibition, gambling companies operate offshore so that they may continue catering to Chinese nationals who play casino and e-games online ...
August 2, 2019
Early this year, the Philippine Competition Commission (PCC) Enforcement Office launched a leniency/whistleblower programme offering immunity from suit and reduction of fines to cartel members who will provide information that will help the PCC investigate and prosecute cartels ...
June 26, 2019
For several decades, money laundering has extended the reach of transnational organised crime throughout various nations ...
June 19, 2019
Philippine courts are keen on making arbitration and other modes of ADR the staple in settling disputes domestically.