In the aftermath of September’s unprecedented financial collapses, the buzz surrounding restructuring and insolvency is at its hottest since the IMF crisis. As practitioners speculate on the direction and manner of R&Is set to hit the region, the Restructuring & Insolvency Special Report takes a look at the rescue regimes of Hong Kong and the PRC and discusses the features and shortcomings of each jurisdiction.
In the Asian M&A Special Report, the complex, multi-directional transactions which have marked the region of late are examined in detail. The simple days of inbound Western investment are clearly a thing of the past.
Our Special Report on Initial Public Offerings discusses where remaining investor sentiment is heading in the region, and why some industries are likely to forge ahead with listings this year despite market uncertainties. With supplemental reports on the trends and developments in China, Japan and Korea.
Off the back of an extraordinary year of growth, modest economic expectations in the year to come are the current trend. Asian-Counsel provides a regional overview in addition to special features on Islamic finance in Japan, recent developments in Malaysian securities law and regulations and Islamic banking and finance regulations in the United Arab Emirates.
Throughout Asia, 2007 may be remembered as a year of significant labour law reform. While amendments may be symptomatic of the strength of the region’s economy as a whole, the changes are unique to the realities of the nations who have enacted them.
Melinda Finch considers what 2007, the year of the pig, holds in store for in-house counsel, private practice lawyers and their firms in the region. Where will the areas of opportunity be and what challenges can they expect to face?
It seems everyone’s building a bridge, villa, apartment complex, office tower or shopping mall in China these days and with the economy experiencing double digit growth there are great expectations for the sector. Melinda Finch considers whether they will be met.
In the ongoing transformation of Asian capital markets, money flows are changing direction and new industries are rising across the region. But Hong Kong and Singapore regulators still set the pace, reports Eric J. Brooks.
Acceleration in planning of the PRC’s proposed national security review mechanism for foreign investment in China is causing investors uncertainty on a number of issues, says partner Peter Wang of Jones Day.