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April 20, 2016
Using a recent case study, Gong Yuan Tang, Arbitrator of the Beijing Arbitration Commission, demonstrates how there is often more to take into consideration when trying to achieve the proper result than it first seems.
April 20, 2016
Richard Bell, dispute resolution partner at Clyde & Co, highlights key points of Justice Hongyu Shen of the People’s Supreme Court of the People’s Republic of China’s address on the enforcement of foreign arbitration awards in China, made on March 4, sets out the procedure for enforcing arbitration awards in China and considers China’s track record of enforcing foreign arbitral awards.
April 18, 2016
Both monopoly and unfair competition are anti-competition behaviors of business operators that violate trade order and code of business ethics. ...
March 31, 2016
China's continued focus on technology and innovation will have a critical impact on intellectual property protection and enforcement ...
March 22, 2016
The National Development and Reform Commission published the Guidelines for Commitments by Business Operators in
January 19, 2016
He Jing of Anjie Law Firm gives history and case studies of China’s anti-trust laws in relation to IP and asks what he feels is the ‘big question’.
January 13, 2016
In the last issue we mainly focused on practices where participants (Participants) to group transactions act as sellers, including purchase volume threshold, exclusive ...
January 8, 2016
China passed a new law, effective 1 January 2016, which encourages families to have two children and removed the right to extended leaves for those who get married or have children late.
January 8, 2016
China removes "profit" restriction and allows Sino-foreign cooperation in educational institutions effective 1 June 2016.
December 17, 2015
In the last issue, we discussed group transactions, i.e. multiple companies jointly purchasing or selling products. Group transactions are quite attractive to small and medium-sized companies ...
November 18, 2015
Trevor Faure promised to help fellow Billion Dollar General Counsel with the problems that pile up on a Monday morning. And in three Workshops across Greater China – Hong Kong ...
November 16, 2015
Group transaction in this article refers to group purchase or group sales where multiple businesses jointly buy or sell products. Participants in a group transaction ...
October 22, 2015
Effective 1 October 2015, government authorities will no longer issue organization code certificate or tax registration certificate but consolidate their functions into new version of business license.
October 22, 2015
The newly revised Law on Promoting the Transformation of Scientific and Technological Achievements of PRC respects any reward agreement and provides default reward standards in the event of no prior mutually agreed reward standards.
October 13, 2015