China (PRC)

Illegal per se and the rule of reason are tools commonly used in anti-trust analysis. Chapter 3 (abuse of market dominance) of the Anti-Monopoly Law (AML) of China clearly reflects the rule of reason, while it has always been controversial whether illegal per se exists under the AML. Although Article 13 (horizontal agreement) and Article 14 (vertical agreement) of the AML prohibit certain types of monopolistic agreements, Article 15 has set up a safe harbour to excuse those monopolistic agreements which fall within the scope of Article 13 and Article 14 but at the same time meet certain conditions. This has created a circumstance in which it is inevitable that the rationality of monopolistic agreements is investigated when determining the legality of such agreement. As a result, some scholars opine that illegal per se does not exist under the AML.

Compared with the rule of reason, applying illegal per se brings the following effects: from the perspective of enforcement, the enforcement agencies are able to declare a monopolistic conduct as illegal upon the confirmation of its mere existence without further going into the purpose and consequence thereof and; from the perspective of judiciary, the plaintiff’s threshold of evidence will be largely reduced in anti-trust litigation, and it will be no longer helpful for the defendant to submit evidence proving the rationality of its monopolistic conduct. Considering the existence of the safe harbour clause, even though there is illegal per se under the AML, it would only be deemed as a legislative assumption, which can be defeated by Article 15.

Vertical agreement under the AML generally refers to resale price maintenance. Judged from the regulations on the burden of evidence in applicable judicial interpretation, it seems that the rule of reason will apply when determining the legality of a vertical agreement. In the draft of the Provisions of the Supreme People’s Court on Several Issues Concerning the Application of Law in the Trial of Civil Dispute Cases Arising from Monopolistic Conduct, Article 7 originally provided that:

“The victim who suffered from the activities of monopolistic agreement should bear the burden of producing evidence to prove that the alleged monopolistic agreement restricts or eliminates competition. Where the alleged monopolistic conduct is a monopolistic agreement as described in Article 13.1(1)-(5) and Article 14 (1) and (2), the victim need not prove that such agreement restricts or eliminates competition, unless the monopolistic actor being sued produces evidence to the contrary which suffices to overturn [the assumption].”

However, upon the enactment of the Provisions in June 2012, Article 7 is changed to the following:

“Where the alleged monopolistic conduct is a monopolistic agreement as described in Article 13.1(1)-(5) of the Anti-Monopoly Law, the defendant shall assume the burden to prove that the agreement does not have the effect of eliminating or restricting competition.”

The underlined content of vertical agreement was deleted. The change indicates that the Supreme Court sees vertical agreement different from horizontal agreement in that the former’s existence is not self-incriminating. The plaintiff should still prove that such agreement eliminates or restricts competition. Though the regulation only relates to the burden of evidence, it implies what criterion the Supreme Court applies when determining the legality of vertical agreement. It is regretful that such standard cannot be met by most plaintiffs (usually distributors) in a case involving vertical agreement: first, the plaintiff is at the downstream market, who may have some knowledge about the local distribution market where it is located but usually lacks knowledge of the upstream market of the defendant; second, the market power and capability of the plaintiff are far inferior to those of the defendant, otherwise the defendant will not be able to control the plaintiff through the vertical agreement, which means the plaintiff lacks the ability to analyse the market and collect the data.









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