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Tags: Arbitratrion, Singapore
Articles by Lawyer
The Assistant Registrar’s Role in the Judicial Hierarchy
The decision in Peter Low LLC provides the latest judicial pronouncement on the role and position of an Assistant Registrar in the judicial hierarchy ...
Singapore High Court issues guidance on grant of super priority
On 8 November 2017, in Re Attilan Group Ltd [2017] SGHC 283 (“Re Attilan”), the Singapore High Court took its first steps towards building a corpus of jurisprudence on the grant of super priority ...
The Future of Med-Arb Clauses in Singapore
Multi-tiered or escalation Alternative Dispute Resolution (“ADR”) clauses have gained increased popularity amongst parties seeking a flexible resolution process ...
Recent Developments in Patent Law
Sun Electric Pte Ltd v Sunseap Group Pte Ltd and others ...
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