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Foreign Banks Allowed to Operate in Myanmar
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Mineral Rights Available in Tanzania
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The Legal Framework of the Aviation Sector in Tanzania
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Oil price volatility - Offshore oil storage
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India: Union Budget 2015
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Prohibition against transfer of personal data outside Hong Kong
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Security of payment under FIDIC contracts: more secure, for now
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Insurance Laws (Amendment) Bill passed as Ordinance in India
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SICC: now open for business
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Myanmar insurance update
Clyde & Co partner Michael Horn recently visited Myanmar's commercial capital Yangon and reports on the current state of the insurance market...
Launch of the online mining cadastre transactional portal
Plus, a summary of the key mineral rights available in Tanzania; and, a look at the manner in which mineral rights can be transferred.
Restrictions imposed on holders of mineral rights
This briefing looks at some of the restrictions imposed on holders of mineral rights in Tanzania by the Mining Act 2010
Draft local content policy for the oil & gas industry in Tanzania
The first draft of the long-awaited local content policy for the oil & gas industry in Tanzania has now been published by the Ministry of Energy and Minerals ...
Tanzania: Revocation of mining licences
The Tanzanian government recently announced the cancellation of a total of 174 mining licences. This mining update examines the key continuing obligations imposed by the Mining Act upon mining licence holders.
Mining Development Agreements
In this month’s mining briefing we look at Mining Development Agreements (MDAs) and the role that they play in the mining sector in Tanzania.
The Tanzanian railway system: current legal framework
The railway system of mainland Tanzania has a total track length of 3,676 kilometers (km) with two separate networks, run by two separate organisations ...
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Africa: Community issues and resource nationalism adding pressure on the mining industry
As if mining by its very nature is not difficult enough from a technical, financial, environmental and labour point of view ...
Mobile financial services in Tanzania: The current and future status of the legal and regulatory framework
Tanzania is one of the fastest growing mobile markets and mobile financial services are at the heart of this burgeoning sector. With upcoming regulation ...
The legal framework of the port sector in Tanzania
The port sector in Tanzania is one of the largest of East and Central Africa, serving Tanzania as well as the neighbouring landlocked countries of Malawi, Zambia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi, Rwanda and Uganda ...
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