China (PRC)

Both monopoly and unfair competition are anti-competition behaviors of business operators that violate trade order and code of business ethics. They have a double whammy for the market, not only undermining the normal market competition but also prejudicing the interests of other business operators as well as consumers. Monopoly limits the freedom of business operators that compete in the market and therefore, destroys the competition itself. Meanwhile unfair competition undermines the fair order of competition. The aforementioned commonalities and differences lead to the concurrence between the Anti-Monopoly Law and Anti-Unfair Competition Law in one hand and their different focusses in the other hand, explaining why the draft amendment to the Anti-Unfair Competition Law (the Draft) announced by the Legislative Affair Office of the State Council in February 2016 has attracted wide attention of anti-monopoly fraternity.1. Introduction of relatively dominant position
Article 6 of the Draft, which could be the provision mostly affecting anti-monopoly area, provides that a business operator shall not use its relatively dominant position to restrict its counterparty’s transaction objects, commodities, terms and conditions with others without justifiable reasons; request excessive fees; unreasonably request other economic benefits from its counterparty; or attach any other unreasonable trade terms. Relatively dominant position refers to the dominant position of a business operator in a specific transaction in terms of funds, technologies, market entry, sales channel, procurement of materials etc. on which the counterparty depends and is not able to turn to other business operators. In light of the definition, relatively dominant position shows concurrence with dominant market position as both of them emphasise the market power of the business operator. For example, a business operator with relatively dominant position normally possesses the advantages in funds, technology and market entry, while determination of dominant market position would consider the business operator’s financial and technical capabilities and the degree of difficulty for other business operators to enter the relevant market. Moreover, the two positions share a concurrent key criteria which is the dependency of the counterparty on the business operator. In spite of the aforementioned concurrence, the relatively dominant position has a lower threshold compared to the dominant market position. To determine dominant market position requires, first of all, identifying the relevant market and then considering the competition status of the relevant market and proving the market share of the business operator with monopoly behaviors. In practice it is quite burdensome for the counterparty seeking protection under the Anti-Monopoly Law to identify relevant market and prove market share. However, relatively dominant position does not require the identification of the relevant market or market share but focusses on ‘relatively’, underlining the market power comparison between the business operator and its counterparty in a specific transaction. Therefore, theoretically, the lower threshold of relatively dominant position may reduce the cost of counterparty seeking protection and remedy.

2. Deletion of regulations on certain monopoly behaviors
The Anti-Unfair Competition Law was promulgated in 1993, 14 years earlier than the Anti-Monopoly Law. The Anti-Unfair Competition Law covers some monopoly behaviors emerged at that time in order to respond to the then demands for regulatory compliance. For example, Article 11 of the Anti-Unfair Competition Law prohibits business operators from selling commodities at prices below cost with the intention of defeating competitors. Such prohibition overlaps with predatory pricing prohibited by the Anti-Monopoly Law. Thus, to streamline the legislations and minimise the conflict with the Anti-Monopoly Law, the Draft deleted four monopoly behaviors, including public utilities or other certified monopolies to restrict its counterparty’s commodity purchasing, administrative monopoly, bundle or unreasonable trade terms and selling under cost. It is noteworthy that, except for administrative monopoly, the other three monopoly behaviors are deemed as acts of abuse of dominant market position under the Anti-Monopoly Law. In addition, other monopoly behaviors overlapping with the Anti-Monopoly Law such as collusive bidding has not been deleted by the Draft.

3. Other attractions
Besides the above, the Draft also added provisions regulating unfair competition behaviors in network applications service. Article 13 of the Draft stipulates that business operators shall not use network technologies to prevent its users from using network application service of others without users’ prior consent, to force users to skip to other links inserted without prior permission or authorisation, to disturb or destroy network applications service provided by others without prior permission or authorisation, or to mislead, cheat, force users to modify, close, download network applications service. Unfair competition behaviors in network application service used to be regulated under Article 2 of the Anti-Unfair Competition Law, the equality and fairness principle, of which the standards are ambiguous and controversial. Such new additions in the Draft, a legislative response to the widely focussed dispute between Tencent and Qihoo 360, highlights the technology development and corresponding legal practice change in recent years.



1. 引入相對優勢地位,降低交易相對方的維權成本。

2. 刪除部分由反壟斷法規制的不正當競爭行為,進一步協調與反壟斷法的關系。

3. 其它亮點

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