United Arab Emirates
Qatar-based partner Samer Eido has been selected to take over from Philip Abbott as the new head of Simmons & Simmons’ financial markets practice in the Middle East. Eido, who is fluent in Arabic, French and English, has been at the firm since 2005. Well-known in the region, his client list includes the likes of HSBC, Deutsche Bank, Commercial Bank of Qatar, Morgan Stanley, Alkhaliji Commercial Bank and Qatar Telecom, and he recently advised Qatar Telecom and Commercial Bank of Qatar in relation to their respective US$5 billion MTN programme and US$1.6bn inaugural bond offering. Abbott, who relocated to Simmons & Simmons’ Dubai office in 2008 and is set to return to London as a partner in the firm’s banking group, will maintain an interest in the Middle East through working with the firm’s regional team and its London-based financial institution clients who are active in the region.
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