China (PRC)

《企业西游记: 成功并购在美国》 虚构了一起由中国民营公司(“中天”) 收购美国绿色科技公司(“Gilfield国际”)的收购案。中天管理层的英文普遍不够流利, 对美国以及美国人的商业惯例和文化观念也不甚了解, 事实证明此次收购对中天的管理层来说是一次严峻的考验。特别是, 中天的法务人员同时作为与Gilfield谈判的翻译人员和联络人, 被推到了谈判的最前线。本书的主线是该公司在寻求收购美国公司以及成功完成交易之后所遭遇的意外和障碍。本书通过小说叙事这种通俗有趣的方式传递信息, 并加入了知名法学专家对具体故事情节的评论, 论述境外公司如何在北美成功进行收购活动。


A Corporate Journey to the West: or How to make a successful acquisition in the USA’ 企业西游记:成功并购在美国 is a fictional account of an acquisition of an American green technology company (“Gilfield Corporation”) by a Chinese private company (“Zhong Tian”). It is written as a novel, to present the information in an entertaining way, and is filled with valuable and useful commentary on specific scenarios by leading experts in the field of law on how an overseas company can make a successful acquisition in North America.

You can download the book in Chinese or English here: http://www.企业西游记.com/


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