Phoenix Legal has added Aman Avinav to its partnership. Avinav brings rich and diverse experience spanning over a decade in dispute resolution, particularly commercial and regulatory litigation, arbitration and white collar crime. He represents clients before various courts in India, and has extensive experience before forums such as TDSAT, APTEL, NCLT and AERA and related appellate and ancillary proceedings. Avinav has defended clients against investigation by the police, ED, EOW and SFIO, and has successfully represented them against summoning, framing of charge and convictions in prosecutions filed by the said authorities subsequently. He advises and has represented clients in arbitration, both ad hoc and institutional, and related court proceedings for interim relief, appointment of arbitrator and enforcement of awards. He regularly advises on issues pertaining to insolvency laws, information technology laws, environmental laws and criminal laws. Before joining the firm, Avinav had established and built his independent practice in New Delhi since 2018. Before that, he was at Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas & Co.
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