Asia (Other)

Doing business in Iran
Distinguishing between primary and secondary US sanctions as well as revealing who will benefit most from opportunities in Iran, Thomas Wigley, Martin Amison and Sallie Bowtell of Trowers & Hamlins disclose how to work your way through the laws surrounding Iranian trade.

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Internet law: Analysis of provisions on the administration of network publishing services
JunHe Partner Hongbin Zhang delves into issues regarding China’s provisions to its network publishing services.

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A journey along the Silk Road
Having worked in New Zealand, the UAE and now China, Clyde & Co Partner Richard Bell compares the three, reflects on his years in private practice and tells us why life in-house has never really tempted him.

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What Brexit might mean for the In-House Community
Aided by thoughts from lawyers throughout Asia and Australia, we delve into what Brexit may mean for In-House Community members, giving insight on employment, taxation, insurance, finance, investment and more.

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