Main Practice Areas
- Capital Markets
- Corporate/M&A
- Banking and Finance
- Real Estate and Property
- Start-Ups/Venture Capital
- Fin-Tech
- Litigation and Dispute Resolution
- Restructuring and Insolvency
Firm Profile
Makes & Partners is an independent, innovative and creative Indonesian law firm and a leader in the Indonesian corporate finance and corporate commercial legal services market. We are a fully independent law firm, with a history of forward thinking. As a trendsetter we have achieved a number of “firsts” in Indonesia. We advised on the first IPO of an Indonesian real estate investment trust on the Singapore Stock Exchange, the first privatization of an Indonesian State-Owned Company, first Voluntary Tender Offer, first non-cash settlement Rights issue and many others. Our track record shows a propensity for innovation and groundbreaking achievement. Makes & Partners is, undeniably, in the forefront of the Indonesian corporate legal profession.
Our passion in Capital Markets, Mergers and Acquisitions, and Corporate and Financial Law drives us to achieve the best for our clients. As a law firm of business-minded and result-oriented lawyers, we undertake projects and transactions with a sense of urgency, and with thorough process, resulting in better speed-to-completion with unwavering quality. Makes & Partners is in a strategic Pan-Asian alliance with top tier Singapore firm WongPartnership LLP for the provision of seamless legal services in the greater Asia region.
Our Philosophy: Our success and reputation as one of the premier Indonesian law firms is based on our philosophy that “solving legal problems is more than just knowing the law.” We take a collaborative approach that focuses on our client and the business situation. Frequently, our clients will view us as part of the team. This philosophy guides us to provide tailored legal solutions with innovative structures that is commercially viable and fulfills our clients’ objectives.
Our Social Responsibility: We are deeply committed to the Indonesian legal profession. Our partners are active members of the Faculty of Law in the prestigious University of Indonesia and University of Pelita Harapan. Senior Partner Iwan Setiawan is an esteemed consultant to local regulatory authorities such as the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) and the Financial Services Authority (OJK).
Our Relationships: In our more than 20 years of practice in Indonesia we have developed solid relationships with government agencies, and the Indonesian legal community. Our lawyers are assisted by special counsel attorneys who have served as senior officials in government ministries and the Supreme Court. We have also developed solid relations with a number of top tier law firms in the U.S., U.K., Europe, Asia Pacific, Singapore and Australia. We will be pleased to provide information on our selective international networking, upon request or as the transaction may require.
Makes & Partners Law Firm
Address: Menara Batavia, 7th Floor, Jl. K.H. Mas Mansyur Kav 126, Jakarta 10220, Indonesia
Tel: (62) 21 574 7181 (Hunting)
Fax: (62) 21 574 7180
Email: makes@makeslaw.com
Website: www.makeslaw.com
Number of employees: 48
Offices in Asia: 1
Year Established: 1993
Languages Spoken: Bahasa Indonesia, English